On the Charts: Akdong Musician, Crayon Pop

Article: AkMu, #1 'all kill + line up' on 10 digital charts... 'scary'

Star News via Naver

1. [+1,074, -31] Akdong Musician has had so many songs from K-Pop Star, self-compositions, CFs, and drama OSTs rack up popularity that their debut album feels more like a comeback.

2. [+806, -28] Their music video's beautiful and 200% is addicting... The songs fit well with the current weather. I love Lee Soo Hyun's voice... definitely a duo to hit long run.

3. [+647, -26] Fans have been waiting for a while so of course they're doing well ㅋㅋ Love you, AkMu ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+156, -11] Can't believe Lee Chan Hyuk composed 'Ices'. A talent that could stand up against any high profile composer!

5. [+146, -7] They definitely have potential for the foreign market but I don't think anyone other but Koreans could understand the uniqueness of their speech ㅋㅋㅋ It's one of their charm points... I love this album. I hope they make a lot of money and stay grounded to their roots.

6. [+143, -6] Feels like I'm watching the birth of amazing musicians in our country. They have genius potential. Just listening to their song is like healing.


Article: Crayon Pop's 'Uh-ee', can it get back on the charts or will it remain a one hit wonder

Sports Korea via Naver

Article talks about how the song isn't performing well on the charts.

1. [+923, -36] They have a lot of mountains to climb over like Park Hyo Shin, Im Chang Jung, Lee Sun Hee, A Pink, Yoon Min Soo, Shin Yong Jae, AkMu, etc, etc... I don't think they should be hoping to achieve anything on the charts.

2. [+916, -51] The real reason behind Crayon Pop's success has been being "different" and "creative"... but the more they focus on being bizarre concept-wise, the more they lose their identity.

3. [+718, -25] It's just a trot song ㅋㅋ;

4. [+489, -66] Christmas dropped off the charts after three days until they noise marketed about Ilbe and plagiarism, which brought the song back on the charts. I bet they'll come up with some other gimmick this time as well.

5. [+140, -14] 'Bar Bar Bar' climbed back up the charts by word of mouth... This comeback has been promoted plenty and for it to only achieve this much means it's game over. They should focus their energy on their American concert and on producing quality work for their next album..

6. [+147, -22] I like Catallena better.
