Follow Up: Minho's 'yeoldo statement' confirmed to be a part of his script

Article: Song Minho's 'yeoldo statement', it was in the script

Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+4,042, -158] With all the crap being said about the Gayo Daejun, the PD is obviously trying to turn the attention to Song Minho by lying and saying it wasn't a part of the script. PD, don't live like that. You shouldn't be dumping your burden on a rookie like this.

2. [+3,227, -91] What the.. the producers said it wasn't a part of the script..

3. [+3,087, -119] SBS tried to dump all of the controversy on a rookie and it's coming back to bite them tsk tsk

4. [+2,812, -93] The scriptwriter's mistake putting that in the script. And why is SBS doing nothing while Minho is getting all this hate?

5. [+1,561, -60] So it was in the script all along and the PDs lied and said it wasn't??? To start a witch hunt on a rookie??? ㅋㅋㅋ I don't know why a rookie should get hate for MCing for the first time and reading what he's told to say

6. [+482, -26] Almost witch hunted an innocent kid...

7. [+450, -21] The producers are trying so hard to divert the backlash.. Sure Song Minho's at fault but I think the PDs are moreso at fault

8. [+414, -12] The PD is so daebak for lying about how it wasn't in the script.


Source: Nate

1. [+274, -11] SBS has had Ilbe rumors surrounding them for a while and now they're touching on Japan issues

2. [+158, -52] YG with the excuses again

3. [+135, -70] So he reads it directly as is just because it's written like that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The scriptwriter b*tch for writing that and the airheaded delinquent for reading that are both the same. If a script says "Hooray for Kim Jong Un", will he read that too?
